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The 4th filling of the GERD will paralyze agriculture in Egypt across one million acres: Professor

The 4th filling of the GERD will paralyze agriculture in Egypt across one million acres: Professor

A Professor of Water Resources at Cairo University, Abbas Sharaki, warned that storing 25 billion cubic meters in the fourth filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will mean paralyzing agriculture in one million acres in Egypt, impacting the lives of many people there.

The GERD affected the expansion of cultivation in Egypt and especially harmed rice cultivation, Sharaki said, pointing out that one million acres of rice brings a revenue estimated at about six billion dollars.

Sharaki commented on the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s announcement of the imminent launch of the fourth filling of the GERD. “Egypt will not stand idly by until harm reaches its citizens,” Sharaki said, in a telephone interview with the “Yahdoth Fi Masr” program, on MBC Masr.

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