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Unisa Founders lecture looks at plight of African women

Unisa Founders lecture looks at plight of African women

Lady Justice Meaza Ashenafi Mengistu, the first woman in Ethiopian history to become the president of that country’s Federal Supreme Court, highlighted the plight of African women and children at the 2024 Unisa Founders Lecture.

She recently gave the keynote address at the event, which was attended by dignitaries, diplomats, and judges, including former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke, Justice Baratang Mocumie of the Supreme Court of Appeal, and scholars from different disciplines.

The lecture was themed “The role of women in delivering justice in Africa: Passive or active agents?”. Speakers examined the plight of African women under postcolonialism while reflecting on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and Femicide.

In her welcome address, Unisa Principal and Vice-Chancellor (VC), Professor Puleng LenkaBula, said that the university is honoured to host Mengistu as the Founders Lecturer.

“She has had an illustrious and distinguished career in public service in Ethiopia, Africa, and the world. Her role as the president of the Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia – the equivalent of a chief justice in South Africa – means that she is the leader of the three arms of state in Ethiopia.”

LenkaBula added that, as the first woman to do so, Mengistu is indeed a trailblazer and the greatest illustration yet that Africa is recognising the pivotal contributions of women.

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