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What It’s Like To…Run an Art Gallery in Addis Ababa

What It’s Like To…Run an Art Gallery in Addis Ababa

When Nafkot Gebeyehu and Zion Yaynu first met, neither imagined they’d one day establish an art gallery that would redefine Addis Ababa’s creative scene. But today, Studio 11 has evolved into much more than just a gallery; it’s a vital space for young and emerging artists, a thriving community hub, and a unique experiment in navigating the business of art in Ethiopia.

Yaynu, a painter who moved to Addis from Australia five years ago, originally came with the intent to reconnect with her roots and explore beyond the city. “I actually planned to stay only a year,” she explains, “but COVID happened right after I arrived, so those plans shifted.” With her savings dwindling, Yaynu decided to get a job and spend her free time painting while waiting for the world to reopen.

Gebeyehu, a photographer who is also part of the OkayAfrica social team, grew up in a creative household with a writer and theater director father, but she didn’t immediately turn to art. “I knew creative stuff could be a career, but I didn’t know how feasible it was in our country,” she says. Initially studying engineering, Gebeyehu later switched to journalism and photography. During the pandemic, she took a job, where she met Yaynu. “It was one of those moments of destiny — we clicked instantly,” she recalls.

Since opening Studio 11, Gebeyehu and Yaynu have hosted six exhibitions featuring Ethiopian female artists, including By A Thread, a solo exhibition by 24-year-old Tsion Mehari that is currently on display. Mehari’s portraits, painted on wallpaper — a medium she discovered during her family’s home renovation — are a unique highlight of the exhibit.

In parts edited for length and clarity, Gebeyehu and Yaynu reflect on their journey with Studio 11 — how they have built it into a welcoming space that is reshaping the artistic scene in Addis Ababa and offering both inspiration and opportunity to a new generation of Ethiopian artists.

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