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When former US president Donald Trump told journalist Bob Woodward about Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Deal

When former US president Donald Trump told journalist Bob Woodward about Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Deal

An excerpt from ‘Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward’s Twenty Interviews with President Donald Trump’, by Bob Woodward.

BW: So what else would you look at, President Trump?

DT: Well, let me tell you a quick one. So for five years, Egypt – the Nile, right? The great Nile. Egypt has a large army. And you know Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. Ethiopia built one of the largest dams in the world. I think the largest dam in Africa, but one of the largest. A massive dam. Hundreds of millions of dollars. And just massive. When I say hundreds of millions, $4 billion. It’s extraordinarily big. And they’ve been building it for years. And they’ve been negotiating with Egypt. Sudan is involved, too. Sudan has no money, but they’re sort of right in the middle. Very warlike.

COMMENTARY: Trump is talking about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the biggest in Africa. Egypt and Sudan had been in fraught negotiations with Ethiopia for years about how the dam would affect water supply.

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