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YeneHealth, Vision Fund Partner to Offer Embedded Healthcare Financing

YeneHealth, Vision Fund Partner to Offer Embedded Healthcare Financing

YeneHealth, a local startup focused on women’s health, has partnered with VisionFund Microfinance to integrate digital lending products into its platform. By integrating health and financial services, the digital lending product aims to increase access and affordability of essential women’s healthcare products and services

Through this initiative, registered users of YeneHealth can apply for microloans. The application process includes a quick vetting procedure, followed by the presentation of loan terms and conditions for review.

Kidist Tesfaye, Founder and CEO of YeneHealth, stated that the initiative specifically addresses unmet needs for essential healthcare products, particularly in the areas of water, sanitation, menstrual hygiene, and maternal health. The initiative also promotes saving for healthcare and offers non-collateralized credit options to eliminate barriers to necessary care.

YeneHealth provides a range of services, including menstrual, pregnancy, and medicine tracking, a women-centered e-pharmacy, telemedicine, and culturally responsive resources and educational content.

“We understand that healthcare needs can be urgent. This initiative provides microloans so women can access essential healthcare products immediately with flexible payment options. Their health is our priority, and the loans are designated solely for healthcare purchases,” Kidist emphasized.

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