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Young Crochet Prodigy That Turned His Hobby Into Business Continues To Wow The World (42 Pics)

Young Crochet Prodigy That Turned His Hobby Into Business Continues To Wow The World (42 Pics)

Five years ago, an 11-year-old boy became an internet sensation over his love and talent for crochet goods. Today, Jonah Larson is a 16-year-old, and his hobby that then flourished into a business is still going strong.

Jonah was adopted from Ethiopia when he was only 6 months old, and now he lives in La Crosse, Wisconsin. From the early age of 5, Jonah was introduced to crocheting, which soon became his passion. Over the years, the boy has crocheted many sweaters, hats, blankets, toys, and basically anything you can think of.

So today, we’ve compiled a selection of his works into a list that we hope will inspire you to never give up on your hobbies.

Click her to learn more


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