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Zimbabwe And Ethiopia Sign Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreements With Russia

Zimbabwe And Ethiopia Sign Nuclear Energy Cooperation Agreements With Russia

Two more countries – Zimbabwe and Ethiopia – have signed agreements with Russia to cooperate on the peaceful use of nuclear technology on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, which has been taking place in St Petersburg.

The intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Zimbabwe – which follows a memorandum of understanding concluded in September 2021 – was signed by Rosatom Director General Alexei Likhachev and Zimbabwe’s Energy Minister Soda Zhemu.

Rosatom said: “It establishes a legal framework for cooperation between Russia and Zimbabwe in the peaceful use of atomic energy in a wide range of areas, such as assistance in the creation and improvement of Zimbabwe’s nuclear infrastructure in accordance with international guidelines; regulation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, production of radioisotopes and their use in industry, medicine and agriculture; cooperation in areas of application of radiation technologies and nuclear medicine, education, training and retraining of specialists for the nuclear industry.”

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